
August did not end well for me. Yet again I have to admit I have failed to uncover the hiding place for the lost gold. While that doesn’t mean it’s simply not there, it does show that I may be running out of options. I reduced my target area from a large area of rugged forest down to the size of my small kitchen, yet the possible depth and type of material don’t allow for my detectors to receive a signal. Does anyone have experience with a dowsing rod?

The tinder dry forest is a cause for concern. In the hours I spent at the target, small flakes of ash fell on the truck. Somewhere high above the prevailing air current carried the ash in my direction lending concern about my presence there. Thankfully when my truck died the previous week it was on the highway with cellular service and not in the forest.

Perhaps cooler fall weather will provide better results for my efforts.

About James

As a semi-retired senior, I researched the story of the lost gold bars of Camp McKinney. My years in agriculture allowed me to comfortably search the rugged BC forest uncovering valuable clues over the years. Although I have paid a high cost for my unwavering search, I have once again seen the magick and power in nature.
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